English / Cymraeg

Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA)

EMA Agreement Form 2022/23

This is your Learning Agreement form:

Student ID Number

Student Date Of Birth

Customer Reference Number

Student Agreement

Please read this agreement carefully We can only progress your application for EMA if your school or college has confirmed that you have signed and dated this agreement

  • I confirm that the information I have previously submitted is still correct and that I have notified any changes thereto in accordance with my original application terms.
  • I understand that any attempt to dishonestly obtain EMA shall be treated as fraud and may result in criminal and/or civil proceedings against me
  • I understand that as part of the EMA, the information which I have provided maybe subject to review as part of a sample check.

Preferred correspondence language

What language would you like us to use when we communciate with you?

Consent to share

Do you consent to your college sharing your information with your parent(s) or partner?

Extenuating Circumstances

Are you currently aware of any extenuating circumstances that may affect your attendance (for example, you help to provide care for a family member who is ill or disabled)? You should inform your college if you become aware at any time of extenuating circumstances that may affect your attendance.

Course Details

Please enter your course name, tutor name and campus:

Attendance Criteria

Payments are made only if learners achieve 100% attendance each week, made up of positive attendance marks and authorised absence marks. All absences must be reported to your tutor in line with your department’s sickness reporting policy. All doctor, dentist and optician appointments should be made outside of college hours where possible; EMA will not be paid for personal holidays or driving lessons, and any other authorised absences for weddings, funerals or personal reasons are at the discretion of the department...

